January 6, 2009

Nothing Much

Having a rather quiet day resting my voice so that I am in good voice for the show tonight. LittleMe is home sick, so I'm glad that tonight is the last performance...I don't think I could sing with the kind of chest cold she's got.

Thursday night I begin a 3 week workshop with Pilobolus (dance company). Of course, the workshop begins tonight, but I have a show... So far 4 of us from my company are going and it should prove to be utterly amazing! I have admired Pilobolus since I was 11 years old when I watched them do a dance in the nude--it was scandalous to me at the time, but now I have such a different appreciation for what they do. I can't wait to learn some of their choreography techniques so that we can incorporate what we learn into our own training. 

I am really missing JS, right about now. Many of us have connected on facebook, but it just isn't the same. And, neither is blogspot. (I love how none of these places internal spellcheckers ever recognize their own names).

Last night's show was amazing--the audience was full of people I adore, and I felt like a million bucks when I took the stage to hoots and applause! I've never really experienced anything like that before, but I could get used to it! And, we had maybe expected about 100-150 people, and had over 250 in the audience!! Rock. On.

Hope tonight's show goes as well--I'm looking forward to singing the songs I love...



yackydoodle said...

I've never been on stage like that (other than lost in the chorus of high school musicals) so it's hard to imagine how that feels. Congrats!

Pastor Larry said...

Get a good rest and belt out the last show.

becomingkate said...

Break a leg!

MK said...

Hoping that some of the suggestions really do(did) help your voice out some!

Doug said...

Adulation, I love it! :-) Maybe because I'm something of a ham...

Anonymous said...

Yay, I found ya on here!